This web was designed to utilize the characteristics of Amethyst. It is said that the beautiful purple crystals of this gemstone are protective, healing and purifying.
Amethyst is associated with the crown chakra helping to clear the mind of negative thoughts bringing humility, sincerity, and spiritual wisdom.
Allow Amethyst to relieve stress while you slip into dreamtime where the imagination can build purple crystal castles full of adventure.

Amethyst Protection has a beautiful cluster of deep purple Amethyst crystals. The animals featured in this web are Cotton Tail, Deer, Peacock, Turkey and Pheasant. Bunny taches us to dodge danger strategically, have an escape route, and a protected home to go to. Deer teaches us to walk gently and quietly maintaining an alertness, always listening and ready to take action. Our feathered friends encourage us to maintain beauty, be willing to give, and to blend in for our own safety when appropriate.

Hand formed wood hoop, beads, pinecone, feathers, fur, charms and sinew enhance this Spirit Web. The shape of the wooden hoop suggests we do not limit ourselves, however, include a measure of safety as we risk to reach our greatest potential. An 8 page 5 1/2 by 8 1/2 inch full color booklet comes with the Spirit Web. The booklet includes story, history, information and symbolism of this specific web and materials that were used, how Spirit Webs came to be, and artist bio.

Price $925.00
Dimensions 36 x 25 x 3
H x W x D (cm)
Creation Date February 2022
Hang Ready